Every year the FPSSA National Show is a platform for breeders to showcase their best breeding stock and sport horses alike. Months of hard work accumulate in an event where the best Friesian Horses come together over four days to compete for five Supreme Titles namely Supreme Dressage, Supreme Under Saddle, Supreme Single Harness, Supreme Junior In-Hand as well as Supreme Senior In-Hand. The 2014 National Show was well supported with studs as far as Upington, Pietermaritzburg and Ottosdal making the long journey to Gauteng including Weltevrede, Adelprag, Benmar Black, Ikahan Quastidor, Pela Graca, Henson Friesian Stud, Millford, Quantum, Selco, Danina and Ronguerite to name a few.
The show was also again used as an opportunity to raise funds for the Highveld Horsecare Unit. There were many highlights including two of the best Studbook stallions in the world shown in the long lines namely Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’ (owned by Doorndraai Friesian Stud) as well as Dries 421 ‘Sport’ (Owned by Pela Graca Friesian Stud). The biggest highlight of the show was however when Chere Burger from Adelprag Friesian Stud showed why she made her way to the World Equestrian Games to represent South Africa on a Friesian which was a great achievement as it was the first Friesian to take part at WEG in dressage ever. Her display with Arjen ‘Sport’ showed why Adelprag Friesian Stud is the best Friesian Sporting stable in the South Africa as they walked away with both the Supreme Dressage (Wium van Huyssteen on Menno) as well as Supreme Under Saddle championships (Wium van Huyssteen on Menno).
The other big highlight was to see all the horses with the ‘Sport’ predicate taking part. There were a number of horses with the ‘Sport’ predicate but the ones that achieved this status in South Africa was a sure highlight.
- Friso fan S. – Owned by M Botes – Doorndraai Friesian Stud
- Menno – Owned by N Pienaar – Adelprag Friesian Stud
- Reinhoud fan ‘e Homar – Owned by K Baynes – Millford Friesian Stud.
Weltevrede Friesian Stud owned by Lourens van Rensburg showed the hard work that was put into the stud during the past year when they took the title of Supreme Champion Single Harness. With a number of previous champions absent in this class the competition was open and as the judges put it Weltevrede stood out head above shoulders from the rest of the competition with their young stallion Auke V taking the title.
The two Supreme titles that were left was the Junior and Senior Supreme Championships which was again dominated by Doorndraai Friesian Stud. Janneke van Doorndraai Stb Star (Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’ x Tsjerk 328) became Champion Filly In-Hand and went on to become the Junior Reserve Supreme Champion In Hand. Orlando van Doorndraai Bb1 Stb Star (Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’ x Friso fan S. ‘Sport’) became the Junior Supreme Champion In Hand. The Senior Mare Championships was dominated by two mares, both owned by Doorndraai, with Titske fan ‘e Kolderveen Stb Star (Ulbert 390 x Erik 351) taking the Champion Mare title with Karien van Doorndraai Stb Star (Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’ x Wierd 409) becoming Senior Reserve Champion Mare In-Hand. Titske fan ‘e Koldverveen went on to become the Senior Supreme Champion In-Hand. There were however also a number of young Doorndraai horses that showed great potential in the Under Saddle classes with Jester Kaden Rb taking the Champion Gelding Under saddle and Karien van Doorndraai Stb Star winning the Champion Mare under saddle at the age of 4 after only being under saddle for a few months. Alida De Jager and Lisa Sue Hofman together with Jolanda Schreuder made a great team showing off the great sport potential of the young Doorndraai horses. Another highlight for the Doorndraai team was when Lourens van Doorndraai Vb Star (Tjalf 443 ‘Sport’ x Piter) became Reserve Champion in the Strictly Come Showing class at the tender age of 4 ridden by equally young Lisa Sue Hoffman.
The FPSSA National Show is a great opportunity each year for Studs and Friesian Fans to
see the best of the best in South Africa and with the great number of locally bred Champions South Africa is becoming a force to be reconed with in the global Friesian Community.
Doorndraai National Show 2014 Show Results
A special thank you has to go to Nynke Bosma that has formed a very big part of the Doorndraai training plan. Unfortunately Nynke had to leave us shortly before the show to tend to a very serious knee injury. The whole Doorndraai team would like to thank Nynke for her tireless input and enthusiasm! We wish you all the best with your recovery and rehabilitation with your knee and hope to have you back in SA sooner rather than later!